The water sector is responsible for implementing procedures for the use and exploitation of water resources, protection from the harmful effects of water, protection of water from comprehensive extraction and pollution, management of water resources, by issuing permits for the use of water, permits for discharge into waters and permits for the extraction of river material from riverbeds in order to improve the regime of waters, as well as issuing water management permits and implementing procedures for water concessions.
According to the legal regulations, the sector prepares information, opinions, consents, decisions that result from the Water Law and implementation of projects and programs in the water sector.
It is also responsible for professional support and participation in the preparation of legal and by-laws, coordination and implementation of international agreements and implementation of ratified conventions.
The water sector deals with cases, most of which are administrative procedures for exercising water rights for:
- Permits for water use,
- Permits for discharge into waters,
- Issuance of Permits for extracting sand, gravel and stone from riverbeds,
- Issuance of Water Management Consent
In addition, the SC prepares acts and implements procedures related to:
- Issuance of MHE concessions and water bottling concessions,
- Preparation and implementation of the annual Water Management Program,
- Preparation of Information to the Government,
- Issuance of Opinions on other Government information,
- Issuing opinions on concessions for mineral resources,
- Issuing opinions on urban projects or plans,
- Issuance of Consent for determining the width of a coastal belt,
- Opinions after elaborations on protective zones, as well as consent to the Decision on the determination of sanitary protective zones,
- Approval of operational plans for dealing with floods, as well as opinions on cleaning riverbeds.
SV is continuously involved in:
- updating the National Program for the European Union (NPAA),
- preparation and amendments of laws and by-laws,
- preparation of strategies, programs, plans, etc. acts,
- participation in commissions for: concessions, project evaluation ...,
- following the modern technical and legal-normative regulation,
- collection of data according to the obligations of the permits,
- participates in the development of River Basin Management Plans,
- making a Program of measures,
- collects water monitoring data in accordance with issued permits,
- collects data from fees paid in accordance with issued permits
- field inspection of locations according to the Water Law,
- preparation of monthly, quarterly, annual reports and
- participation and realization of current projects, etc.
Илбер Мирта

СВ - Одделение за планирање и развој на водите

СВ - Одделение за водни права

СВ - Одделение за концесии и меѓуресорска соработка

СВ - Одделение за управување со сливно подрачје - Вардар

СВ - Одделение за управување со сливно подрачје - Црн Дрим

СВ - Одделение за хидросистем Ѓавато- Дојранско езеро и сливно подрачје - Струмица

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