Odzaklieska: The MOEPP always practices the involvement of local authorities and citizens for integrated climate action

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Christina Odzaklieska, today addressed the panel discussion dedicated to “Energy transformation through local climate action” within the framework of the “Macedonian Energy Forum”, organized by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, was… Continue reading »

Shukova: We must cooperate and each us be a responsible actor in the chain of waste management so that it becomes a resource and not garbage

Exchange of experiences and challenges from the implementation of the Laws of special flows and waste management, as well as the Law on Extended Producer Responsibility, is the main topic of the workshop organized by the Association for specific waste stream management at the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, held yesterday and today in Strumica…. Continue reading »

The roadmap for decarbonization of the Energy Community, an example and opportunity for greener growth and development of the state

Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova had a meeting with the Director of the Energy Community, Artur Lorkowski. At the meeting, Director Lorkowski informed about the current and future challenges of the states in the region, which, according to the ministerial decisions, share regional challenges, especially in the implementation of the… Continue reading »