Information on the Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the project – Establishment of an integrated and financially self-sustaining waste management system in the Eastern and North-Eastern regions, for the needs of the investor Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

  The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in accordance with Article 90 paragraph 1 point 3 of the Law on Environment (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 53/2005, 81/2005, 24/2007, 159/2008, 83/2009, 48/2010, 124/2010, 51/2011, 123/2012, 93/2013, 187/2013, 42/2014, 44/2015, 129/2015, 192/2015, 39/2016, 99/2018 and Official Gazette of the Republic of North… Continue reading »

Shukova from Canada: North Macedonia recognized as a leader for the implementation of the GEF Programs for biological diversity and protection from land degradation in the region

As part of the mission to strengthen cooperation with the GEF and strengthen international support, Minister Shukova held a bilateral meeting with the Head of Biodiversity and Land at UNEP, Doreen Robinson. At the meeting, the successful cooperation so far was discussed, an overview of joint activities was made and new opportunities for cooperation within… Continue reading »

Shukova: We connect European mechanisms with international ones, for more efficient fulfillment of global goals and obligations and the European Green Agenda

Within the framework of the 7th Assembly of the Global Environment Facility, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, addressed the plenary session “Solutions for a Healthy Planet: Integrated Responses to Reduce Environmental Degradation on a Global Level”. She was dedicated to the importance of an integrated approach in understanding the environment and… Continue reading »