SHUKOVA: We reallocate budget funds for a better life for citizens

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, today signed agreements with the mayors of the five municipalities, Berovo, Valandovo, Cucer Sandevo, Prilep and Plasnica, which, through the reallocation of financial resources from the budget, were allocated funds for the implementation of infrastructure projects that will contributed to the protection of the environment and… Continue reading »

The International Migrants Day was marked

Minister Shukova, together with Minister Trencevska, the UN Resident Coordinator Office Dudziak and the head of the Office of the International Organization for Migration, Bozinovska Petrushevska, marked the International Migrants Day. “Climate changes affects us all, to varying degrees, but where impacts are already a daily reality for communities, assessing vulnerability, designing and taking adaptation… Continue reading »

Deputy Minister Odzaklieska at the annual meeting of civil society organizations in the field of Environment and Climate Change

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, today opened the annual meeting of the Coalition for Climate and Civil Organizations that work in the field of environmental protection and climate change. She presented the key priorities and goals of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning in the area and the next… Continue reading »