Shukova: We continue with the realization of large projects in the areas of waste and water management and start new initiatives in the protection of nature

At today’s briefing, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, informed the representatives of the media about the realized and planned activities in the protection of the environment and answered questions about current topics. Shukova informed about the biggest infrastructure project, primarily about the progress in establishing the regional waste management system, with… Continue reading »

МOEPP: The recommendations and measures for exceeding the alarm threshold of suspended particles PM 10 in Skopje enter into force

Pursuant to the Decree amending and supplementing the Decree on limit values for levels and types of polluting substances in ambient air and alarm thresholds, deadlines for achieving limit values, tolerance margins for limit values, target values and long-term goals (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 183 of 14.12.2017) which defines the alarm… Continue reading »