Debate “Protecting the environment means protecting our physical and mental health”

127764222_379611833354196_108190705996657306_nWith the view that it starts with us, as individuals, as citizens and as part of society and that the connection between health and the environment is of great importance, especially in the context of the global pandemic we are dealing with, Minister Nuredini began addressing yesterday online Debate “Protection of the environment means protection of our physical and mental health” conducted by the Association “Amigdala” in cooperation with “Љубов сме/Jemi dashuri”.

“Our obligation as a government, the obligation of all institutions involved at national and local level is to fight for a clean environment and never politicize issues important to the well-being of our citizens and future generations,” Nuredini said, emphasizing that environmental protection requires daily investments and that every day in which it is not invested already the next day gives negative consequences.

He agreed that air pollution is one of the biggest problems we face, especially in the winter, and that the Ministry as a public service that has a role to serve the citizens, works intensively throughout the year. Unfortunately, according to him, there are no quick solutions that will give results from today to tomorrow, but it is necessary to detect the sources of pollution and implement strategic solutions to change the ways of heating public buildings and households, in the use of cars, changes in the work of industry performance and many, many investments and labor. Only in this way will we be able to deal with this challenge of modern urban living from year to year and reduce the negative effects on nature and human health.

127278859_746493349295673_1965552326244525207_nThe key to all this, according to Nuredini, is the participation and responsibility of each individual in reducing pollution and every day in which we have not invested in environmental protection negatively affects our health.

At the event, dedicated to the promotion of cooperation between the health and environmental sector in order to protect and promote human health, the first lady of our country Elizabete Gjorgjievska, Deputy Minister of Health Ilir Hasani, director of the Clinic for Radiotherapy and Onco Nino Vasev and other prominent figures in the area.