2 February – World Wetlands Day and 50 years of Ramsar Convention

2 fevruariWith presentations on national contributions to the Ramsar Convention and special review of the condition of Lake Dojran and activities for its better protection marked the World Wetlands Day and 50 years of the Ramsar Convention.

The Republic of Northern Macedonia acceded to the Convention in 1977 and has been working for 44 years to fulfill its obligations under the Convention. At the moment, we have two Ramsar protected areas, Lake Dojran and Prespa, and Lake Ohrid due to its natural values it has also recently been nominated for the Ramsar site.

The virtual event “Towards better management of the Ramsar area – Dojran Lake” organized by Milieukontakt Macedonia, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the Municipality of Dojran, which is registered on the official website of the Convention, in the presence of the Director of the Environment Directorate, Hysen Xhemaili and the Mayor of the Municipality of Dojran, Ango Angov, numerous interested professionals and representatives of civil society organizations operating in the area opened an opportunity for productive discussion and development of a positive trend of enhanced intersectoral cooperation in the preservation of our natural lakes which are a treasure trove of rich and unique biodiversity and which are very important for the maintenance of specific ecosystems.
