Shukova: Participation in the 7th Assembly of the Global Environment Facility

Minister Shukova is participating in the 7th Assembly of the Global Environment Facility, which is being held from August 22-26 in Vancouver, Canada, where those responsible for the environment from 185 countries in the world will meet in order to make a cross-section and trace future guidelines for allocating global financial resources to address global challenges related to biodiversity loss, toxic chemicals, climate change and equitable representation in actions at global and national levels. As a result, the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund will be announced as a new funding tool for protected species and ecosystems.

GEF_MinisterThe Assembly is attended by ministers from more than 50 countries in the world, representatives of international agencies and managers of global corporations, where at several thematic working tables, together with representatives of young people and marginalized groups and civil organizations, they will give an overview of the work done and define the necessary actions on a global level in the direction of realizing the goals for 2030 in the above areas.

Minister Shukova will address the official opening of the Assembly, will take part in the plenary sessions on solutions for a healthy planet through integrated international action and the round table on how coherent policies between sectors can reduce the financial gap in the nature and climate sectors.

GEF_Kaja SukovaMinister Shukova will also participate in the additional events organized by the international implementing organizations of the Global Environment Facility with which we have cooperation in the mentioned areas.