Shukova: Rural women have the refined sense to adapt to changes and adopt new and better practices

The vision of the environment and climate change sector is to direct the country towards a more balanced development, through prevention and the introduction of the concept of sustainable development, and it is rural women who have the refined sense to adapt to changes, to be open and to accept new and better practices.1

“The greater involvement of women from rural communities in decision-making and dealing with climate change is not only a matter of gender equality – it is a matter of survival”, emphasized the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, at today’s celebration of International Day of Rural Women, organized by the Rural Development Network of the Republic of North Macedonia, with the support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and GIZ, with the aim of raising awareness and uniting rural women for their important role in local communities and social development.2

At the event, a public discussion was held on the topic “The impact of climate change in rural areas, with an emphasis on rural women”, which was attended by representatives from state institutions, organizations and rural women members of the Rural Development Network of the Republic of North Macedonia.34