Shukova: We are ready to help municipalities in overcoming challenges and improving environmental processes

During today’s visit to the municipality of Gevgelija, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova had a working meeting with the mayor Andon Saramandov where they discussed the environmental conditions in the municipality.Шукова Подготврени сме да им помогнеме на општините во надминување на предизвиците и унапредување на процесите во животната средина

Mayor Saramandov spoke about current projects and planned activities, as well as the challenges facing the municipality. Minister Shukova informed about the processes for realizing the two loans, one for regional waste management, and the other for water supply systems, treatment plant and purification systems and the level of availability for local governments, including Gevgelija.DSC_0230

The minister also informed about the availability of other programs of the Ministry through which support is provided to the municipalities. They also discussed the functionality of the treatment plant in Gevgelija, the possibility and profitability of installing photovoltaics to supply energy to the treatment plant, as well as the completion of the process of closing the municipal dumpsite.DSC_0233

After the meeting, Minister Shukova and Mayor Saramandov went to the field and visited the two locations.