SHUKOVA AND KOSTADINOVSKA-STOJCEVSKA: We improve the environment and nurture cultural values in the Tetovo region

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova and the Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojcevska were on a working visit to the municipality of Tetovo, during which they toured several institutes that, with the support of the Government, have made progress in improving the environment and nurturing cultural values in this region.Sukova_Tetovo

The visit started with a tour of the new premises of the Public Institute National Park “Shar Mountain”, during which the Director of the PINP Ibrahim Dehari introduced them to the level of staffing of the Public Institute and informed them about the current and completed capital investments and projects of the institute, as well as future development plans.Sukova_Tetovo_1

Minister Shukova expressed satisfaction with the exceptional results and the huge progress in the establishment and functioning of the PINP “Shar Mountain” and the sustainable management of this complex protected area. The national park was established in 2021 with the financial support of the state, but also of international organizations, which helped and are still helping to develop and maintain it. With the establishment of this new national park, 13.9% of the protected territory in the country was reached, and according to Shukova, the process of protecting the natural values with which the country abounds continue.Sukova_Tetovo_2

“What I want to emphasize at this point is that within the Park we already have staffing, new hires and hiring of rangers, which will help reduce poaching and illegal logging in the Park, however, the Park is already thinking about development components for next year, which will allow it to be sustainable and able to function on its own for years to come. Of course, in a certain period the state and international organization will continue with financial support, but what we see here is that the management and employees know exactly in which direction they should move and how to manage this protected area”, said Minister Shukova to the media.Sukova_Tetovo_3

In response to questions from journalists, Minister Shukova informed that from next year budget funds will be provided to support all four national parks in the country, and she also informed about other investments that improve the environment and improve the quality of life of citizens. She mentioned the project to improve air quality, which with the support of the EU is being implemented in four cities, including Tetovo, to improve the infrastructure for water supply and wastewater treatment, as well asa support the waste management system with the help of credit lines provided through the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.Sukova_Tetovo_4

The visit continued to the Museum of the Tetovo Region – Tetovo, where Minister Kostadinovska Stojcevka, accompanied by Minister Shukova and Director Miqo Stojceski, inspected the facility and was informed about current activities and previous investments, after which a meeting was held with representatives of the associations, beneficiaries of the Competition “Culture in the summer”, where they discussed their future projects and plans to enrich the cultural program of people who live in Tetovo.Sukova_Tetovo_5

“The Ministry of Culture has invested more than 14.5 million denars in Tetovo’s cultural institutions, which have a long and rich history and a multifaceted cultural tradition, in which the different cultures of the peoples living in this region, come together, just to support the program. We invest in culture and enrich the diverse cultural life of the citizens, especially the young people in Tetovo and the surrounding area”, emphasized Minister Kostadinovska Stojcevska.

She added that investing in the protection of cultural heritage is one of the biggest priorities of the Government and the Ministry of Culture and informed that the activities for the complete conservation and restoration of the wall painting in the church St. Bogorodica in Leshok are continuing. These activities also enabled the rare discovery of the third layer of painting that is located in the altar, below the 17th century layer. As a Government Project, the realization of the protection of the painting will continue in 2024, as well as the restoration of the inn of this valuable monastery and cultural monument.

“We make sure that people who live in Tetovo have a rich and varied cultural repertoire for everyone. That’s why we founded a new national institution, the Music Ensemble in the Republic of North Macedonia – Tetovo, whose main activity will be the performance, promotion and affirmation of Albanian classical, jazz, vocal and vocal-instrumental music, and the program objectives will have an equal approach to all citizens”, emphasized the Minister Kostadinovska Stojcevska.

Within the framework of the visit, Ministers Kostadinovska-Stojcevska also visited the “Iljo Anteski Smok”-Tetovo Culture Center.