Shukova: We invest in improving the living conditions of citizens

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, together with the mayor of the municipality of Cucer Sandevo, Sashko Konmenovik, were on a visit to the constructed sewage system in the village of Pobozje, municipality of Cucer Sandevo.

1 Шукова: Инвестираме во подобрување на условите за живење на граѓаните“In the interest of the citizens and in the interest of the municipality, the project was implemented in a timely manner with financial support from the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, i.e., with funds that the government allocated to the municipality for the realization of this project. We do not stop here, but continue in 2024 with the second phase of the project to close the sewerage network for this settlement, which will give the citizens better living conditions,” Minister Shukova said.

2 Шукова: Инвестираме во подобрување на условите за живење на граѓанитеThe first phase of the project is financially supported by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning with funds from the Environmental Investment Program for 2023 in the amount of 6 million denars.

Video statement of Minister Shukova: