SHUKOVA: The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is a serious tool and as a country we strive to fulfill its goals

  The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova participated in the conference “Sustainable Energy Skills in Construction: Visible, Validated, Valuable”, in the special session on national and European policies on the topic “European and national legislation related to the Green Deal”.

Konferencija_Sukova“The environment knows no administrative boundaries. We all have to work together if we want to have a healthy environment. This shows today that the state should continue to recognize the scientific sector and especially the economy as its partners, as part of the process of implementing the laws in this area”, emphasized Shukova in her speech. She mentioned that in addition to the state and local self-government having their own obligations, the economy is also the bearer of a large part of the obligations through the implementation of the laws that are determined by the directives of the European Union.

Konferencija_Sukova_1She emphasized that the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is a serious tool and as a country, we strive to fulfill its 5 main pillars: Decarbonization: climate action, green energy and sustainable transport, Circular economy, Fight against pollution, Sustainable food production and sustainable rural environment and Biodiversity: Protection and restoration of nature and ecosystems.

She made a special reference to the importance of decarbonization for Europe and for us as a country that today is a geographical part of Europe, and tomorrow an administrative part of the European Union. She also announced that they are working on the Law on Climate Action, which is in the process of being submitted to the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, and is expected to be adopted soon, and is being developed in close partnership with the private sector, which at today’s conference in its declaration stated that they are ready for the obligations arising from it.

Konferencija_Sukova_2She also mentioned the circular economy as an important tool that will help us as a country reduce the amount of waste we deposit.

“The Green Agenda is very important for the Western Balkans, very important for the Republic of North Macedonia, together with the scientific sector and the economy, we continue towards its implementation”, Shukova pointed out.

Konferencija_Sukova_3The conference is organized as part of the European research and innovation program “Horizon 2020” on the topic “Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector” within the framework of the call “Building a low-carbon, climate-resilient future”.