Shukova presented the national expectations from the Investment Platform to the first people of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Energy Agency and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

At the invitation of the organizers, within the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP28), Minister Shukova participated and addressed the joint event of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Energy Agency and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on the approaches based on a sectoral platform in the country and building a base for increased and accelerated climate action.

The event discussed how country platform-based approaches can help accelerate decarbonization and adaptation and resilience measures, and how multilateral development banks and other stakeholders can support these processes through coordinated policy dialogue measures, investment and financial assistance and capacity building.1 - Шукова ги претстави националните очекувања од Инвестициската платформа пред првите луѓе на Европската нбанка обнова и развој, Меѓународната агенција за енергија и  Азиската инфраструктурна инвестициска банка

Minister Shukova spoke about the Platform of the Republic of North Macedonia, about the initiatives and expectations.

“By signing the platform, we are targeting the most significant source of greenhouse gas emissions in the country, but we are also targeting the sector with the best social impact. Our expectations from the platform are related to filling the investment gap needed to implement the mitigation scenario, which shows that only through partnerships between different stakeholders (governments, banks, private investors) is a just energy transition possible,” Shukova pointed out in her presentation.

She added that we have developed a roadmap and implementation plans for funding to implement our Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement. We know how much it will cost and from where the investments can be allocated, that we have a clearly expressed political determination proven by several adopted documents for the transition to green energy, which gave certainty to investors, and in parallel, as a Government, we are working to facilitate the transfer of technologies for clean energy in the country by setting up an appropriate regulatory framework.2- Шукова ги претстави националните очекувања од Инвестициската платформа пред првите луѓе на Европската нбанка обнова и развој, Меѓународната агенција за енергија и  Азиската инфраструктурна инвестициска банка

“Encouraging cooperation with international organizations, neighboring countries and global initiatives to share best practices, experiences and resources is also of great importance,” she emphasized.

The event was addressed by Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Dr. Rania A.-Al Mashat Minister of International Cooperation Egypt, Jin Linkun President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Odile Renaud-Basso President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.