Shukova: In cooperation with UNEP, we see an opportunity and a challenge for the state to harmonize the global financial flows with those of the EU in order to maximize the benefits

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova together with the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Departments and Investments, Fatmir Bitiqi, had a meeting today with the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme, Inger Andersen, whose focus was the Triple Planetary Crisis and its impact on our country, past and future inter-institutional cooperation, and sustainable development.

Шукова: Во соработката со УНЕП гледаме можност и предизвик за државата да направи усогласување на  глобалните финансиски текови со тие на ЕУ со цел да се максимизираат придобивките The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova stated that she considers partnerships in the environment to be extremely important and emphasized the expectations that UNEP’s support will continue in the coming period, especially in addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis of reducing the impacts of climate change and increasing resistance to them, reduction of biodiversity loss and reduction of water, air and soil pollution.

At the same time, she expressed her gratitude to UNEP for its full support in the historical proclamation of the fourth national park Shar Mountain and in the process of revaluation of Lake Ohrid with the aim of its re-proclamation as a Monument of Nature and emphasized the need for UNEP’s support for cross-border cooperation and regional approach in the protection of common ecosystems with neighboring countries, as well as for the realization of priorities related to the green transition through joint actions.

_DSC5763 “Compliance with the challenges of the European integration processes in Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change, the implementation of the Green Agenda, as well as cross-border cooperation and the regional approach in the protection of common ecosystems with neighboring countries, would be of great help”, said Shukova, adding that in cooperation with UNEP sees an opportunity and a challenge for the state to harmonize global financial flows with those of the EU in order to maximize benefits.

DSC_5293At the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Economic Affairs, Bitiqi informed that North Macedonia is in the preparation phase for the Summit of Sustainable Development Goals, which will be held this September in New York within the framework of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

He emphasized that he sees UNEP as a partner for new cooperation regarding the transition to low emissions and a climate-resistant economy, including adaptation in spatial planning and climate-resistant infrastructure.

_DSC5869Inger Andersen expressed gratitude for the commitment of the Government of North Macedonia to proactive involvement in dealing with environmental challenges. “We discussed the efforts of the Government of North Macedonia to deal with the urgent issues of climate change, loss of biological diversity, and pollution, which together represent a great threat to our planet and its inhabitants. The commitment and leadership your administration has shown in this regard has not gone unnoticed, and we commend your commitment to sustainable development and the well-being of current and future generations,” Andersen said.

_DSC5880She added that UNEP is ready to support the Government of North Macedonia and is committed to providing technical expertise, policy advice, and capacity-building support to further promote sustainable development and environmental preservation in the country.

_DSC5863The UN Resident Coordinator in North Macedonia, Rossana Dudziak, expressed satisfaction with the cooperation between the Government and UN agencies to address the challenges related to the environment, through dedicated engagement to preserve biodiversity, reduce air pollution, address climate change, the risks of disasters and hazardous waste.

31052023_ZPVRSM_Bitiki_(6)The visit of the Republic of North Macedonia by Andersen and the UNEP team and the meeting with Shukova and Bitiqi was initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and was realized within the framework of Andersen’s current tour through the countries of the Balkans.