SHUKOVA: We invest in the protection of the waters and the entire eco system of the Dojran Lake

Today in Dojran in the presence of Prime Minister Kovacevski, Minister Shukova, the mayor of the municipality of Dojran, Angov and the ambassador of Slovenia Presker, marked the beginning of the project for complete rehabilitation and reconstruction of the collector system in the municipality of Dojran.

1The project is complex and includes several operations, which is expected to solve the problem of collection and purification of waste water from Old and New Dojran and other settlements in the municipality.

3The main undertaking is the complete rehabilitation and reconstruction of the collector system, that is, the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the existing main sewer network – pipeline of the main collector system in the municipality of Dojran. At the same time, the tender procedure for the selection of a company that will build a brand new, modern and sophisticated water treatment plant was started. Construction of a new treatment plant, according to estimates, proved to be a more profitable investment than the reconstruction of the old dilapidated one, and an additional and very important benefit will be proved because for the first time a new technology will be applied that will avoid eutrophication and pollution of the Lake.

3The financial resources in the amount of 135.000.000 denars are provided by the Budget of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the MOEPP, and the rest in the amount of 78.000.000 denars are a donation from the Government of the Republic of Slovenia through the Slovenian Embassy.

5Pointing to the opportunities that open up on our way to the EU in the area of environment and climate, which is one of the most complex and expensive areas, Minister Shukova emphasized that as a Government and as a Ministry we support the projects for the protection of the three Macedonian lake pearls, Lake Ohrid, now also Dojran Lake, and in the near future also Lake Prespa. “If we are moving towards the EU, we should behave like that. With the reconstruction of the waste water collection system and the construction of a new treatment plant, the waters and the entire eco-system of the Dojran Lake will be protected as a unique protected area and an extremely attractive tourist and transit destination”, Minister Shukova from Dojran said, adding that the implementation of this project is a good example of cooperation between the central government, local self-government, civil society and Slovenia as an EU member state.

6The collector system, i.e. the main pipeline, is about 7km long and will be operated with a new type of technology – a non-invasive pipe-in-pipe system method, applicable to urban areas, without excavations and additional construction loads.

4In addition to the entire system for the protection of the Dojran Lake, an Agreement was signed and the contractor was put to work for the construction of the sewage system in the settlement of Crnicani, in the amount of 17 million denars.

7An agreement was also signed for the development of a basic project for constructed wetland for the treatment of wastewater from the settlement of Crnicani and Furka, which also represents a demonstration for the application of a new green infrastructure with a solution based on nature. This not only achieves the purification of wastewater, but also has positive impacts on local biodiversity and climate change.