The French Development Agency will help protect the environment of our country

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, held a meeting with the newly appointed regional director of the French Development Agency, Arnaud Dauphin, with whom they discussed the possibilities for professional cooperation between the two institutions in the area of environmental protection.1 zamenik_francija

The Deputy Minister presented the most significant current project of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the challenges we face in environmental protection, with a special focus on the waste and water sectors. They also discussed the plans for new activities, priorities and needs of the MOEPP in the future period, in which the French Development Agency can contribute.2

The interlocutors agreed that the development of good cooperation and the continuation of the support that France gives to our country is a good basis for more efficient management of the environment, protection of human health and rational use of natural resources in our country, as well as increased trust between both countries.