Just Transition Forum 2023

At today’s “Just Transition Forum 2023” of the Energy Community, which was held in Skopje, the key aspects of the just transition were addressed – planning and implementation, policies, people, environment, and financing, as well as the fight against climate change, which is high on the political agenda of the Energy Community.

Energetski ForumThe focus of attention was the commitment to decarbonization, by setting ambitious goals for climate and energy for 2030 both for the Energy Community and its contracting parties, including our country.

The State Secretary for Environment and Physical Planning, Nebi Rexhepi, addressed the high-level panel entitled “POLITICS AND MANAGEMENT”.

Energetski Forum_Drzaven sekretarIn his address, Redzepi emphasized that decarbonization policy is complex, interdisciplinary and affects three pillars of sustainable development and that the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning is responsible for coordinating activities for Cluster 4 – Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity, and directly for climate change, develops and proposes science-based policies that comply with requirements arising from EU acquis.

Energetski Forum_Nebi_Rexhepi“We managed to include energy and climate policies because we had and still have science, business, and civil societies as our partners. We have adopted several documents of essential importance for decarbonization, which have set medium and long-term targets for decarbonization. We are finalizing the draft Law on Climate Action and are ready to move forward together in its adoption. We see decarbonization as an opportunity for growth through the creation of green jobs, and it saves human lives, through an overall and broad approach,” said Redzepi.