Minister Shukova’s participation in the Leaders’ Dialogue on “Implementing Green Agenda for Economic and Societal Prosperity in the Western Balkans”

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova participated in the Leader’s Dialogue event titled “Implementing Green Agenda for Economic and Societal Prosperity in the Western Balkans”, which took place yesterday and today in Tirana, within the framework of the preparation of the Summit of the Berlin Process in the 2023 year.Учество на министерката Шукова на Дијалог на лидерите за „Имплементација на зелената агенда за економски и општествен просперитет на Западен Балкан“ In the spirit of strengthening the regional climate partnership between the countries of the Western Balkans and Germany within the framework of the Berlin Process, the leaders’ dialogue aims to contribute to the answer to the question of how the region can get closer to the EU’s single market and create the preconditions for socially and economically just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and decarbonization. Socio-economic prospects point to such a far-reaching transition to achieve energy security and independence for the Western Balkans and enable individuals, companies, and academia to benefit from the green economy through new jobs and innovation.

The event is expected to develop a platform for high-level cooperation between government, the private sector, and civil society within the framework of the Regional Climate Partnership and generate conclusions and recommendations for the Berlin Process Summit in October 2023 in Tirana.2

Minister Shukova participated and addressed the high-level plenum “The Green Agenda as a joint mission – a reexamination of relations – government–private sector – civil society” where she announced that as a country we are starting to map national actions in response to the regional action plan to the Sofia Declaration for the Western Balkans.

The co-hosts of the event are the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.