Meeting with UNOPS representatives

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, held a working meeting with the Director, Serbia Multi Country Office, Michela Telatin, accompanied by the partnership advisor of UNOPS for North Macedonia, Gianni Volpin, and the special associate in the UNOPS Office in Skopje, Aleksandar Vladicevski.

Средба со претставници на УНОПСThe meeting discussed the previous partnership activities between the MOEPP and UNOPS, especially in the part of cleaning the small dumpsite in Ohis from historical hazardous waste, as well as the possibility of continuing the cooperation in other areas. In the part of the cleanup of OHIS, the possibilities for further involvement of UNOPS in the cleanup of other lots from the dumpsite were discussed, and as possible areas for cooperation, cooperation within the framework of the Sectoral Operational Program 2024-2027, as well as the projects planned in the GEF 8, were mentioned. The program, focused on the areas of biodiversity, climate change and land degradation.