The government campaign “We are Europe” started with the open tribune on the topic: “EU for the Macedonian Economy”

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, attended the first open tribune within the framework of the “We are Europe” campaign, on the topic: “EU for the Macedonian Economy”, which is part of the information caravan of events under the motto “Fair of European Values”.

1“With the membership in the EU, North Macedonia becomes part of the trade superpower, the EU has a single market of 500 million people, which ensures the continuous growth of the entire union, something that each individual member state will never be able to achieve and the gross domestic product of the EU as a whole, it is higher by nine percent precisely as a result of the full integration of the market, and translated into real money for the citizens, it means approximately 850 euros additional annual income per capita,” Prime Minister Kovacevski pointed out.

30082023_pvrsm_niesmeevropa_5Vice Prime Minister Mariciq at the forum “EU for the Macedonian Economy” made a comparison of the economies of the countries before their accession to the EU and after they became member states, pointing out that in 15 years we have used only 1 billion euros through the IPA projects, while when we become a member, from the structural and the cohesion funds, we will use 1 billion per year, and the example of the Croatia’s Okoja was given, since it has been a member, it has used 25 billion euros in 10 years.

viber_image_2023-08-30_20-43-32-691Citizens deserve to be informed about the opportunities and benefits of the negotiations offered by EU membership for our country and for the citizens themselves, by ensuring economic growth with a protected and preserved environment.