With quality political solutions based on scientific facts to sustainable agricultural practices

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska held a working meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Food, prof.Dr. Vjekoslac Tanaskovic at which they discussed the challenges our country is facing in terms of the development of the agricultural sector and the protection of the environment and climate change.


The need to develop sustainable agricultural practices for adaptation to climate change was discussed, given that agriculture is one of the most vulnerable sectors affected by climate change. Topics of the meeting were seasonal floods and their impact on agriculture, the problem of polluting industry located in close proximity to agricultural lands, as well as the impact of pesticides on the environment.

The interlocutors expressed a common determination to deepen the cooperation between the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the Faculty of Agricultural Science and Food, noting that the introduction and application of good agricultural practices requires quality political solutions, development of public awareness and change of established habits, which will be based on scientifically confirmed facts.