Meeting on the Law on Environmental Inspection

  In order to better coordinate and deepen cooperation in relation to the implementation of the Law on Environmental Inspection, Deputy Minister Hristina Odzaklieska and the director of the State Environmental Inspectorate, Sreten Stojkovski, held a working meeting today with: the mayor of Prilep, Borce Jovceski, and representatives from the municipalities of Strumica, Radovish and the municipality of Aerodrom.

1They discussed the operation of the Commission for Supervision of Municipalities and Municipalities in the city of Skopje in relation to the implementation of environmental laws and the preparation of the reports after the supervisions carried out for 2023. The representatives from the municipalities, at the meeting, had the opportunity to present the problems and challenges in this area that they face in their municipality, and the goal was to find an appropriate solution agreed by all involved entities.

Odzaklieska emphasized that the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning remains open to support and cooperate with municipalities in the direction of implementing the Law on Environmental Inspection (drafted in accordance with the requirements arising from the EU acquis regarding environmental inspection) and improvement of inspections, for more effective protection of the environment in our country.