A meeting of the Steering Committee of the “EU 4 Clean Air” project was held

Today, the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the “EU 4 Clean Air” project was held, which is implemented by the UN Office for Project Services – UNOPS in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the aim of which is to contribute to the reduction of emissions of polluting substances in the air in the four municipalities of Bitola, Kumanovo, Skopje and Tetovo.1 Се одржа состанок на Управувачкиот комитет на проектот „ЕУ за чист воздух“

The progress of the project in the past three months was presented at the meeting, and Minister Shukova emphasized in her speech that this project is of exceptional importance in dealing with air pollution in our country.2 Се одржа состанок на Управувачкиот комитет на проектот „ЕУ за чист воздух“

She said that only with the involvement of all relevant institutions at the central and local level and with a joint approach can we successfully implement the environmental policies and achieve visible results. Her expectation is that the positive experiences from the project will be transferred to other municipalities in the country.4 Се одржа состанок на Управувачкиот комитет на проектот „ЕУ за чист воздух“