Redzepi: Together we can build a sustainable, clean and prosperous future for our planet

The State Secretary for Environment and Physical Planning, Nebi Redzepi, addressed the panel discussion entitled: “Smart energy planning – Challenges and opportunities for Macedonia”.

Nebi Rexhepi 1In his speech, he emphasizes that at a time of facing the challenges of climate change, reduced fossil fuel resources and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the transition to renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics and wind farms is essential and it is not only a choice but an imperative.

Today, when we are at a crossroad where our decisions will have a lasting impact on the environment, our society and the economy, proper spatial planning and the protection of the environment, nature and human health must be the priority of our efforts.

In doing so, he emphasized that wise energy planning is a multidimensional process that requires a harmonious combination of different aspects, which is why it must always be ensured that the use of the same resources does not lead to conflict situations, but that it is harmonized in a common development policy – something that is best achieved through spatial planning.

Nebi Rexhepi 1He informed that the drafting of the Spatial Plan of the State, whose task is to achieve exactly that, is in progress and that it will be supported by the new Law on Spatial Planning, the text of which is currently in the draft stage.

In his final part, he emphasized that smart energy planning which takes spatial planning as a basis, is the only way forward. It is a path that requires foresight, commitment and cooperation from all of us – government institutions, non-governmental organizations, the scientific community, the civil sector, the diplomatic corps and investors. Only together we can build a sustainable, clean and prosperous future for our planet.