Odzaklieska: Spatial planning is a vision for the development of our country

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska today had an opening speech at the event for the National Development Strategy on the topic of spatial planning and territorial development with representatives from the Scottish Government who shared their experiences and good practices in this area.

1Odzaklieska emphasized that spatial planning is a key instrument for establishing long-term, sustainable frameworks for social, territorial and economic development both in a national framework, but also between countries, taking into account the potential for development of the regions and of course the protection of the environment. The spatial plan is a political-administrative document in which the vision for spatial planning is presented in a time-determined framework, which facilitates the vertical integration of spatial planning policies in the management system through the analysis of the spatial potentials of a certain territory.

2According to her, the integration of national, regional and local strategies is aimed at harmonizing the interests and goals of the different levels of government, and in the direction of choosing the most appropriate planning solutions to realize the overall vision for the spatial development of the state.

3She expressed her gratitude to the British Embassy, the experts from Scotland and the Ministry of Finance from Slovenia, UNDP, and the UN for their cooperation and support so far in the promotion of the importance of spatial planning and environmental protection, expecting that it will be deepened in the future.