Odzaklieska at a meeting on the use of degraded areas as sites for solar and wind power plants

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, had a working meeting today with the executive director of the Environmental Research and Information Center Eco-Awareness, Ana Coloviq Leshoska, and the director of the Spatial Planning Agency, Andriana Andreeva.Оџаклиеска на состанок за користењето на деградирани површини како локации за соларни и ветерни централи

The topic of the meeting was the use of degraded and unusable areas of locations for solar and wind power plants in our country.

Odzaklieska emphasized that the transition to renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaics and wind power plants, is essential for the protection of the environment, nature and human health. It will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation of the side effects of climate change, and at the same time it will enable a greater part of the total electricity production to come from domestic resources.

The interlocutors agreed that the protection and improvement of the environment is a priority in society, especially today, when humanity is globally facing the challenges of climate change, reduced fossil fuel resources and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.