The sixth meeting of the National Council for Nature Protection was held

Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, opened and participated in the sixth meeting of the National Council for Nature Protection established in accordance with the Law on Nature Protection.Одржан Шестиот состанок на Националниот совет за за заштита на природата

Minister Shukova expressed her gratitude to the members of the National Council for Nature Protection for participating in the meeting that discussed the challenges facing protected areas in establishing sustainable management. Among other things, the possibilities for improving the management of the protected areas through the promotion of natural values, improving the financing from the collection of entrance fees and through the support of the entities for the management of the protected areas/national parks were discussed.4

According to the agenda, various issues from the field of nature protection were reviewed and discussed, which related to the initiative for the proclamation of Katlanovo region a protected area, the Draft-Law for the proclamation of Lake Ohrid as a protected area in the category of Natural Monument, especially in the part of choosing a suitable entity for management.2

The members of the National Council for Nature welcomed and supported the preventive measures proposed by the MOEPP to overcome the situation with the brown bear with the possibility of supplementing them according to international standards. Also, the progress of the activities regarding the status with the Berne Convention in relation to the open files for NP Mavrovo, NP Galicica and Lake Ohrid was presented.