The 120th anniversary of the death of the revolutionary Goce Delcev was marked

As members of the government delegation, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova together with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Oliver Spasovski and the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Agim Nuhiu bowed and laid flowers in front of the sarcophagus of the great revolutionary Goce Delcev in the church “Sveti Spas” in Skopje. With that, they marked the 120th anniversary of the death of this great ideologue – a synonym for the people’s struggle for freedom, who more than a century understood the world as a field for a cultural competition of nations. Goce Delcev was killed by the Turkish army on May 4, 1903 in the village of Banica, on the way to Ser.

Одбележана 120 годишнината од загинувањето на револуционерот Гоце ДелчевThe President of the Republic of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski and the delegates of the Assembly, the Ministry of Defense, the Army, the Union of Fighters, the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the City of Skopje, the political parties, the diplomatic corps paid tribute to the sarcophagus of the great man, as well as other admirers of Goce’s work.

6In commemoration for the dead, the archbishop of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric G.G. Stefan.

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