Minister Izairi and the Mayor of Tetovo Teuta Arifi at coordination meeting

sostanok1(14.08.2015 ) The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi the Mayor of Tetovo Teuta Arifihad a meeting of the coordination body for combating conditions and damages left behind huge floods caused by heavy rains in Tetovo and its region. Together with the task force, the meeting was also attended by expert team from EU composed of Rudolf de Crom from The Netherlands, Team Leader and flood expert, Tina Petemel from Slovenia and Patric Gindre from France, experts for estimation of damages on infrastructure, Marcus Mexner from Germany and Mader tamash from Hungary, experts for early recovery of water supply and sewerage systems, Joacim Chweigel from Austria, civil engineer, expert in urban planning and application of measures for protection and rescue at local level and Basanta Alfonso from Spain.