Izairi: Reforms in the waste management system are necessary

IMG_0416[1](10.09.2015) – In order to secure sound environment and healthy generations, it is necessary to carry out reforms in the waste management system. Implementation of projects that we discuss today is only one tool in the series of changes to come, said Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi at the working meeting with the Mayors from the Eastern and Northeastern planning region devoted to the two projects financed under IPA Programme: “Preparation of technical and tender documentation for illegal dump sites closure in the Eastern and Northeastern planning regions” and “Preparation of technical specifications for procurement of equipment for collection and transport of waste in the Eastern and Northeastern planning regions”.

So far, with regard to the above project, assessment has been done of inadequate landfills and illegal dump sites in the said regions. Based on this assessment, the stakeholders at the meeting discussed the aspects of closure, rehabilitation and maintenance of inadequate landfills and illegal dump sites in the Eastern and Northeastern planning regions in the Republic of Macedonia.

Preparation of technical specifications for procurement of equipment for collection and transport of waste in the Eastern and Northeastern planning regionsis in progress and its implementation has been planned for 2016.

According to the set dynamics, Municipalities from these regions should take decisions by the end of September 2015 for temporary removal of municipal waste to be in effect until the construction of new landfills is finished. Part of the municipalities need to take decisions concerning acceptance of the waste from other municipalities in their landfills, while other municipal councils should decide on removing the waste into landfills located outside their areas.

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi considers the successful implementation of these projects to be precondition for further steps and provision of funds for implementation of the integrated waste management system in these two regions.