Izairi and Arifi at press conference about conditions in Tetovo area

(20.08.2015) Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi and the Mayor of Tetovo Teuta Arifi, following the meeting of the coordination body, had press conference. Mayor Arifi presented full information about activities and conditions at all sites and all cases resulting from the weather events on 3 August, as well as planned future activities. 

Extending appreciation to institutions, citizens, media and all others that have contributed significant support to the removal of the effects of the disastrous weather in the area of Tetovo, Minister Izairi underlined full coordination of activities among all institutions involved in the clearing of the terrain from collected deposits. Activities in all domains have been completed partially and they will continue up to full clearing and remediation of the terrain. Minister Izairi also informed the attendants that phase two will follow concerning estimation of damages and upon expert recommendations the damaged points will be remedied. In this context, the commission for damage estimation has already made recommendations for urgent preparation of appropriate projects. At its yesterday’s session, the Government obliged the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning to prepare Basic Design for construction of water supply, sewerage network and water reservoir for the village Shipkovica. The Minister also informed that the Government of the Republic of Macedonia decided that Macedonian Roads develop basic design with technical solutions for remediation of the earth slide in the village Shipkovica.

For the next week, he announced preliminary report from the estimation of damages in infrastructure based on which the Government will take decision on further steps to be taken.