Deputy Minister Odzaklieska at the Smart City Expo World Congress

Deputy Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Hristina Odzaklieska, is participating in the Smart City Expo World Congress, which this year is being held in Barcelona, Spain.

1 expo Spanija zamenikShe addressed the panel discussion: “Researching Urban Transitions in the Mediterranean: Common Challenges in the Mediterranean Region and Examples of Best Practices of Urban Transition Approaches (at the International – National Level)”.

Deputy Minister Odzaklieska emphasized the importance of including climate change in the development of spatial plans, as a basic direction for creating climate-resistant urban solutions. She pointed out that, if we do not take preventive measures to adapt to climate change through appropriate planning solutions, we will face the consequences of possible climate disasters. Therefore, the vision for spatial arrangement of our country should be reflected in the planning documentation from a lower level.

2 EXPO GRADOVI Spanija zamenikThe World Congress Smart City Expo is the most influential event dedicated to urban innovation, where leaders from several large companies, governments and organizations have the opportunity to present innovative ideas, research, analysis, visions and solutions related to the development and future of cities.