Ten old trees declared natural rarities with exceptional habit characteristics

Ten old trees with exceptional habitual characteristics in several municipalities in the country, on the initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and with financial support from the state budget of the MOEPP, and in accordance with the Law on Nature Protection, carried out a procedure for the proclamation of natural rarities for 10 old trees with exceptional habitual characteristics.

As a cooperation of the Department of Nature and the Department for Legal and General Affairs, reports on the valorization/revalorization of the listed 10 trees were prepared. The reports were the expert basis for the preparation of the solutions for declaring the old trees as natural rarities.

Such decisions have been made for the following old trees: Oriental plane above the locality – “Arabati Baba Tekke” – Municipality of Tetovo”; Oriental plane in the center of Valandovo; Oriental plane in the village of Smolari – Municipality of Novo Selo; Oriental plane in the Municipality of Radovish; Black Pine in the locality “Karshi Bavchi” – Municipality of Kratovo; Plane tree in the village of Teovo – Municipality of Chaska and Quercus Robur in the village of Krivogashtani – Municipality of Krivogashtani, for natural rarities.
