Ambitious climate policis – challenge and opportunities for countries

Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, held a bilateral meeting with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Skopje, Petra Drexler, at the Ambassador’s request, and on the eve of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.1_Sukova_germ.ambasadorka

At the meeting, the expectations of the two countries regarding the upcoming conference were discussed. The common view was that a successful completion of the first global review is necessary, as it should provide guidance for subsequent cycles of review of national contributions to the Paris Agreement and financing of activities to achieve the goals of reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved resilience, setting a clear goal for the adaptation, mobilization of private capital, as well as operationalization of the fund for losses and damages.2_Sukova_germ.ambasadorka

This goal requires all countries to strengthen the implementation of decarbonization policies, but in a responsible and fair way, enabling access to energy for all.4_Sukova_germ.ambasadorka

What we are doing as a state is that we show by your own example that having a vision and ambitious long-term and medium-term goals are necessary, and their realization is achievable with joint and partner action.3_Sukova_germ.ambasadorka

Minister Shukova concluded that for us, as a country, an integrated approach in addressing global and European challenges is very important. In that direction, she informed about the status of the draft Law on Climate Action, which has entered the government procedure.