Yearly Archives: 2024

MOEPP: The recommendations and measures for exceeding the alarm threshold of suspended particles PM 10 in Strumica enter into force

Pursuant to the Decree amending and supplementing the Decree on limit values for levels and types of polluting substances in ambient air and alarm thresholds, deadlines for achieving limit values, toler-ance margins for limit values, target values and long-term goals (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 183 of 14.12.2017) which defines the alarm… Continue reading »


2.02.2024 Based on Article 49 paragraph (7) of the Law on Extended Producer Responsibility for the management of special waste flows (“Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” No. 215/21), and the Annual Program for financing the management of special waste flows for 2023 (“Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” no. 27/23… Continue reading »

The municipalities signed the Declaration for active protection of the environment and mitigating climate change

The mayors of the municipalities in the Republic of North Macedonia, today signed a Declaration for active protection of the environment and mitigating climate change, confirming the commitment to achieving the goals of sustainable urban development, environmental protection and improving the quality of life of current and future generations. The event on the topic “Local… Continue reading »