Yearly Archives: 2023

Shukova: We need to establish a unified and functional model for the functioning, structuring and financing of Regional Public Utility Companies

The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Kaja Shukova, held a working meeting with mayors and representatives from the Eastern and North-Eastern planning regions, where they discussed the establishment of a model of functioning, structuring and financing of the Regional Public Utility Companies and the coordination of cooperation with municipalities and municipal utilities. For better… Continue reading »

MOEPP: The recommendations and measures for exceeding the alarm threshold of suspended particles PM 10 in Kicevo and Strumica enter into force

Pursuant to the Decree amending and supplementing the Decree on limit values for levels and types of polluting substances in ambient air and alarm thresholds, deadlines for achieving limit values, tolerance margins for limit values, target values and long-term goals (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 183 of 14.12.2017) which defines the alarm… Continue reading »