Yearly Archives: 2015

Minister Izairi visited the village Poroj

(05.08.2015) The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi together with Fatmir Besimi, Vice President of the Government for European Integrations and MP Ejup Rustemi visited the village Poroj near Tetovo where they assessed the damages resulting from the natural disaster.   

Established Coordination body to combat the effects and the damages from the floods in Tetovo region and Commission for estimation of damages to movable and immovable property

(04.08.2015) Today, press conference was organized in the premises of the Government, where Nurhan Izairi, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, jointly with Vladimir Peshevski, Vice President of the Government responsible for economic affairs and Teuta Arifi, Mayor of Tetovo, informed the public about the activities undertaken at central and local levels to eliminate the… Continue reading »