Yearly Archives: 2015

New school in the village Sinichene ready for the new school year

(14.08.2015) The Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi together with the Minister of Education and Science Abdilaqim Ademivisited the new school in the village Sinichnane in the Municipality of Bogovinje, to make final checks before the start of the new school year. From September, around 200 from this village will attend the classes… Continue reading »

Corner stone of the new sports hall set in the village Gradec

(14.08.2015) Today, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi as part of Government’s delegation composed of the Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia responsible for the implementation of the Framework Agreement Musa Dzaferi, Vice President of the Government for European integrations Fatmir Besimi and Minister of Education Abdilaqim Ademi… Continue reading »