Yearly Archives: 2015

Minister Izairi met Mayor Frangov in Gevgelia

(27.08.2015) Today, in Gevgelia, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi had a meeting with the Mayor Ivan Frangov and they discussed current and future activities related to the construction of the wastewater treatment plant in Gevgelia. The total value of this project is 9.6 million EUR and it is implemented with financial support… Continue reading »

Activities for construction of the wastewater treatment plant in Prilep are carried out as planned

(27.08.2015) Today, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Nurhan Izairi visited Municipality of Prilep and together with Mayor Marjan Risteski, contractors and supervisor had a meeting on the status of the Contract “Construction of the wastewater treatment plant in Prilep”. They also agreed on future activities. The Project is funded under the Instrument for Pre-accession… Continue reading »